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Yankton Miracle BJV Beaten By Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange 4-1

By Linguastat, 01/19/13, 8:00PM CST


James Bellman smashes two goals while Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange scores two goals in the first, goes on to grab the win on the road

January 19, 2013, 8:00 PM

Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange defeated Yankton Miracle BJV 4 - 1 at Yankton on Saturday. Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange scored two straight goals to take the lead in the first period. Neither team scored in the second period so Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange retained its lead. In the third period, the ice was finally broken when Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange outscored their opponents by one goal and kept the lead to win the game.

In the first period, Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange got things going when James Bellman got an unassisted goal with 8:10 left in the period. Continuing the roll, Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange's James Bellman put the puck between the pipes with 4:11 left in the period. Mitch Williams got the assist on the goal, going further ahead. In the third period, Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange fired up their game when Travis Janecek scored an unassisted goal with 6:41 left in the period, pulling further ahead. Coming through for Yankton Miracle BJV, Mitch Vavra put the puck between the pipes with 13:37 left in the period. Jacob Hubbs assisted on the goal. Things got going in the penalty kill when Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange's Tony Kirsch put the biscuit over the goal line without any assistance with 0:15 left in the period for Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange, to get further in the lead.

Displaying offensive skills, James Bellman netted two goals for Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange. Travis Janecek and Tony Kirsch each contributed one goal for Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange. Williams contributed one assist for Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange.

Mitch Vavra tallied one goal for Yankton Miracle BJV.

Showing a super performance, Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange's Donovan Knott had 20 saves to take the win. Yankton Miracle BJV's Tyler Wenande stopped 24 out of 28 shots and so suffered the loss.

Adding to their victory, Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange went 1-for-5 on power plays. Yankton Miracle BJV went 0-for-2.

Sioux Falls Flyers JV Orange ended their losing streak of three games and now has a record of 4 wins and 5 losses. Yankton Miracle BJV finished the game with a record of 1-7.