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Sioux Center Storm GJV Scoreless Against Brookings Rangers GJV 8-0

By Linguastat, 02/03/13, 9:45AM CST


Klara Beinhorn rips two goals as Brookings Rangers GJV excels at shooting to win and prevent opponents from scoring on the road

February 3, 2013, 9:45 AM

In a shutout, Brookings Rangers GJV beat Sioux Center Storm GJV 8 - zero at Vernon Arena on Sunday. Brookings Rangers GJV chalked up four goals to jump in to the lead in the first period. Brookings Rangers GJV added two straight goals in the second period and held on to its lead. Sioux Center Storm GJV were not able to answer back. In the final period Brookings Rangers GJV scored two straight goals padding its lead and winning the game.

Having a great day, Klara Beinhorn scored two goals for Brookings Rangers GJV as well as two helpers. During the first period, with 0:10 left Beinhorn put the puck in the net. Mariah Gummer assisted on this goal. Brookings Rangers GJV pierced the defense when Beinhorn netted a second goal with 2:34 left in the second period with an assist from Jadyn Peterson. In well played offense, Jadyn Peterson netted two goals for Brookings Rangers GJV as well as three points. During the first period, with 6:34 left Peterson netted a goal. Shelby Meyer got the assist on this goal. Brookings Rangers GJV fired up their game when Peterson scored another goal with 5:51 left in the first period with an assist from Klara Beinhorn.

Turning in a perfect performance, Brookings Rangers GJV's Jessica Laidlaw blocked seven out of seven shots on goal to gain the win. Sioux Center Storm GJV's M Waring had just 36 saves on 44 shots and so suffered the loss.

Sioux Center Storm GJV finished the game with a record of 3 wins and 13 losses.